Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb. 25

Well, we are finally out of the villages. After two weeks of being the outskirts of villages and jungle we have arrived back in Accra. We finished up with the final village this morning, seeing another 225 patients. It's amazing how many we are seeing and how many lives we are touching. Even thos that we have not provided medical care to, we have been engaging with and building relationships...that's the best part. It's a two part mission. The whole project here in Africa is called the Voice and Hands of Jesus. It's unbelievable to see both of those happening each day. Not only are we providing a much needed medical service (wounds, malaria, breast cancer, tuberculosis, anxiety, hypertension, alcohol) but we are also engaging with the people, just as Jesus did over 2000 years ago. Sometimes, he preached to thousands, and other times it was a small group of individuals. Here we are, half way around the world from what we know as home, and we are engaging with a culture that is so far away from our own. Yet, here we are, together, hand in hand, finding some shade under a tree so that we can tell our stories. I was touched today by three girls who were all in their early teen years. They had aspirations to become nurses, lawyers and teachers. They are in a place that we find hard to in mud huts, drinking water from a small stream, eating whatever they went out to garden today...and they still have dreams of becoming somebody and going places. Sometimes, those are hard things for American teens to aspire to, with all of the opportunity that they have. Can you imagine the obstacles that are in front of them? It's amazing. God is truly in this place and in the hearts of these people. You should see them pray and sing and dance!! It's a celebration each time...something that we could learn from them!!!!

Now that we are back into a city (African city that is...little different standards), we get to go to a good restraunt tonight (pizza and hamburgers!!!). We are really looking forward to that. Another day of medical outreach tomorrow in Accra and then to home on Saturday. It's been a great three weeks and we are looking forward to a wonderful finish. We would all recommend that all of our friends and loved ones get the opportunity someday to experience and adventure, like the one that we have so far. See you tomorrow.

New Latrine:
Mike drawing pictures with 12- year old Isaac:
Kris loves the little ones:
Local villagers:
Kris and Jon playing Duck-Duck-Goose with the kids:
Drilling the Well:
Chief of the village:

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