Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ghana Day 6

"We should name it the Woodmen Valley Building"

Every day we drive through a developing part of Accra - some of the homes look really nice and spacious. The houses are built in phases, with a phase defined as the period as long as the money last. Then people wait for the next chunk of money to come in. It takes years to finish a house - and this is the reason for seeing so many new constructions on the side of the streets.

Today it was our best day so far - lots to do in the morning with unloading a huge pile of cement blocks and hauling them up on the roof.

Then the fun started as we were giving mortar and tools to set the blocks equally apart and perfectly aligned and fill the gaps with cement. Some of us mastered the skill quite well and soon a few rows of the walls rised up.

During the unloading process, some of our Ghanean friends asked for working gloves as the sharp edges of the blocks cust thru their palm skins. So we decided to give them the gloves we have brought with us, which we intended to give-away at the end of the week. Unfortunately, we did not have enough for everyone, but many thanked us deepley for them.

One thing that I learned today is that you can make a huge difference in Africa with so little.

Our efforts seem to be so well regarded - during lunch today, Theo and David from HCJB had great words of praise for us for the help provided, the relationship we're build with the crew, and the love of Christ that we seem to displaying with our efforts. Theo also said that during their last business meeting someone proposed that the new building should be named "The Woodmen Valley" building - the "tree of life" being already on the property.

Our muslim friend Rachid cam today to say goodbye as he is attending muslim prayers tomorrow (Friday). We decided to offer him a present and we gave him a pair of gloves with our names and the inscription "Jesus Loves You". He took them gracefully and huged us all.

It is going to be a tough day tomorrow because of the freinds we've made, but we're excited we had the opportunity to be here and make a difference. All the glory goes to the Lord and his "tools" in Africa - Theovision and HCJB.

Thank you so much, Father, for such a greeat day - please help us to continue to display your goodness and love to these people until the end. Amen.

Frank with the wall he built:
Did this whole wall by myself:
Busy site in the afternoon:
Becoming a master at laying blocks:
African cows next to the construction site:
Mike, showing how to throw a football:

New construction in Accra:
Nice homes in Accra:

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